Provost Innovation and Enhancement Grant Application and Process
Program Summary
The Provost’s Office is pleased to provide Provost Innovation and Enhancement (PIE) funding, to support colleges, schools, departments, and academic units in three key areas, namely:
- Student Success
- Curriculum and Pedagogy enhancements
- Program/Department visibility and reputation
If you are unsure whether (or how) your idea fits with this initiative, please contact your immediate supervisor or Dan Elkins ( in the Office of the Provost for an initial conversation. Proposals must include data, evidence, and a detailed budget to support the need for the program/initiative and should be tied to goals as articulated in annual reports, program review documents, or college/school/department strategic plan. It is highly recommended for Chairs and Directors to consult with the appropriate staff in the Office of the Provost in developing their grant proposals. Additionally, it will be expected for proposals that are collaborative in nature to have been in contact with the appropriate unit on campus (i.e., Visor Center, Career Services, Admissions, Graduate School, etc.) in advance.
Student Success
Through a consultative process the university has produced a draft holistic definition of student success. The Provost Innovation and Enhancement program invites proposals and initiatives that seek to support both the traditional metrics of undergraduate and graduate student success as well as new and emerging ideas. You may consult with the Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Education for proposals focusing on student success.
Examples include:
- Improving retention and graduation within the major/school department
- Increasing student engagement (e.g., development and support RSOs, collaboration with Career Services for early career development in the discipline)
- Analysis and identification of departmental policies and procedures that can be reviewed to provide better opportunities for student success
- Analyze and reduce costs to students that are associated with completing the program (could include reviewing textbook requirements, creating retention scholarships out of existing foundation funds, reducing materials costs)
Curriculum and Pedagogy Enhancements
The Provost Innovation and Enhancement program will support programs that seek to retool or redesign courses or curriculum to meet new and emerging instructor or student needs. You may consult with the Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Education and/or the Assistant Vice President for Faculty Development, Diversity, and Learning for proposals focusing on curriculum and pedagogy.
Examples include:
- Exploring new models of course delivery aligned with course objectives and outcomes
- Course redesign that converts the modality of the course delivery e.g., in person to hybrid or vice versa
- Mapping of curriculum (e.g., with Curricular Analytics or other similar programs) to identify curricular opportunities to enhance student success
- Analysis and identification of individual courses in the curriculum to identify opportunities for improved student success and development of a plan (e.g., course redesign plans, supplemental instruction, additional support for students) with faculty involvement to take advantage of those opportunities
- Initiatives to reduce time to degree completion
Program/Department Visibility and Reputation
Schools/Departments interested in increasing their visibility or reputation may apply for funding under the Provost Innovation and Enhancement program. You may consult with the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management for proposals focusing on recruitment.
Examples include:
- Student recruitment including increasing equity, diversity, access, and belonging
- Developing accelerated degree programs (4+1)
- Developing partnerships and 2+2 (4+1 or 3+2) type programs with international partners
- International student recruitment
- Graduate student recruitment
Award Levels and Duration
In FY24, the total amount of funding available is approximately $200,000.
- The maximum amount of money available per grant is $20,000
- The duration allowed for each grant is 12 months. Please contact the appropriate Provost Office staff if your proposal requires a longer timeline
- Proposals that have a timeline extending beyond FY24 will not be considered, as PIE funds are not eligible for Strategic Budget Carryover (SBC)
- PIE funds are allocated to the next fiscal year only; they are not available for future fiscal years
- FY24 PIE funding will be contingent upon successful accomplishment of FY23 funding, if applicable
Examples of Eligible Expenses
The following expenses are allowed:
- Expenses directly incurred by students for projects
- Contractual agreements for external consultants, software, or services
- Funding graduate or undergraduate student worker positions to support the effort
- Student recruitment activities
Examples of Ineligible Expenses
The following expenses are not allowed on this grant:
- Expenses that can be requested through annual AEF requests (facility projects and technology for students)
- Research proposals that can be supported with grants and/or the Connect, Elevate, and Advance Research and Creative Scholarship (CEARCS) program
- Faculty stipends unless significant justification warrants it
- Course overloads, instructional costs, or buyout for course reassignments
- Student scholarships or tuition reimbursements
- Post grant expenses that the program is unable to cover
Sample Proposals
Sample proposals awarded in FY23:
Application process
The deadline for proposals is March 3, 2023. College Deans (or AVPs who supervise Units) will prioritize submissions and submit to the Office of the Provost by April 7, 2023. The review committee will review applications and make final recommendations to the Provost by May 15, 2023.
Review Process
Proposals will be reviewed by the PIE Grant Review Team. For General Information please contact Dan Elkins ( or 438-7018.