The purpose of the Full-Cost Recovery (FCR) funding model is to provide academic units the ability to deliver courses to address the needs of a specific population of students, not currently enrolled, degree or certificate-seeking students, who would not otherwise enroll at Illinois State University if not for the unique deliver/location of the course.
Eligibility and Guidelines for Individual FCR Courses
Application Materials
Submit online form 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester. For questions, contact Amy Witzig, the Provost Office.
Eligibility and Guidelines for FCR Courses affiliated with a Degree or Certificate Program
Application Materials
At least one year prior to the start of the first students being admitted to the program, submit the following application materials to Amy Witzig, Office of the Provost, Campus Box 4000.
The transfer of salaries will follow the schedule below:
The transfer of residuals (funds remaining after all direct expenses have been paid) courses will follow the schedule below:
Contact Amy Witzig with questions.